Popular bedding plants
Add color and fragrance to your garden and plant a bedding plant. Bedding plants are also called annuals and are loved for their long flowering and hardy varieties. Feel free to buy a bedding plant from this popular category and bring your garden to life!
- Marigold Pacific BeautyGoudsbloem Pacific Beauty£2.75Out of stockOut of stockBeautiful bright orange flowers on tall strong stems that resemble Chrysanthemums blooms. These pot Marigolds Learn More
- Sunflower Evening SunZonnebloem Avondzon£3.95Out of stockOut of stockHelianthus Evening Sun is a real showstopper, it blooms on tall stems with multiple, large flowers in evening sun shades of reddish bronze, orange... Learn More
- Nasturtium Tom ThumbOost Indische kers Tom Thumb£2.75Out of stockOut of stockThis hardy annual is very easy to grow, producing masses of brightly coloured blooms from summer until first frosts. Learn More
- Love in a mistJuffertje in het groen£2.75Out of stockOut of stockLove in a mist makes an excellant cutflower, the flowers bloom in May and June in fantastic shades of blue, white and pink on finely cut foliage,... Learn More
- Geranium Mustang seedsGeranium Mustang£8.95Out of stockOut of stockThese hugely popular plants produce clusters of beautiful red flowers on attractive, varigated fragrant foliage. Blooming all summer long they are... Learn More
- African Marigold Hawaii seed bagHoge Afrikaan hawaii Oanje£2.75Out of stockOut of stockThis attractive and low maintenance annual blooms profousely on extra tall stems with large, deep orange blooms throughout summer and into autumn.... Learn More
- Bells of Ireland - moluccella laevisKlokken van ierland£3.25Out of stockOut of stockBells of Ireland (or Moluccella Laevis) is a unique summer flowering annual. It’s a member of the mint family and is fast growing. It... Learn More
- Viola pansy hybrids x 12Viola hybrida£23.95Out of stockOut of stockThis appealing mix of giant Pansies is ideal for brightening up your outdoor spaces when you need it most. The huge colourful flowers of this variety Learn More
Browse through our assortment of bedding plants and grow something unusual – All plants 100% guaranteed
Whether you are planning this year to have a summer bed, winter bed or a spring bed full of colour look no further, we have the best bedding plants available online at the best prices.
There are bedding plants to suit every garden. For special effects and colour combinations plant them among your perennials and bulbs. Attract attention and keep your gardens looking colourful by removing spent plants that are past their best and filling the gaps with the most popular colourful summer bedding plants such as geraniums, petunias, marigolds, impatiens, and lobelia. Other bedding plants include plants such as Verbena, Sweet peas, Cosmos, Nasturtium, Gazania and Helianthus and many more.
All perfect for planting in containers, window boxes, and hanging baskets for maximum visual impact.