- Acer campestre Field or Hedge Maple x 10Acer Campestre£19.95Out of stockOut of stockAcer campestre also known as field or hedge Maple is an easy to maintain very strong and durable hedge, suitable for growing in coastal and exposed... Learn More
- Japanese Acer palmatum Atropurpurea 9 cmAcer palmatum 'Atropurpurea'£8.95Out of stockOut of stockSlow growing small deciduous tree, ideal for small gardens. Acer 'Atropurpurea' is one of the most reliable acers. Learn More
- Acer Palmatum Osakazuki£12.95Out of stockOut of stockAcer palmatum Osakazuki is a real garden gem. During spring and summer the seven loped foliage sprouts with bright green decorative foliage. During... Learn More
- Acer palmatum dissectum GarnetAcer palmatum dissectum 'Garnet'£22.95Out of stockOut of stockOne of the nicest red leaved acers with disected foliage. Brilliant vibrant red laced foliage sprouts in early spring turning to crimson red in... Learn More
- Japanese Acer palmatum Atropurpurea 14£18.95Out of stockOut of stockSlow growing small deciduous tree, ideal for small gardens. Acer 'Atropurpurea' is one of the most reliable acers. Learn More
- Acer palmatum Katsura 9 cmAcer palmatum Katsura£9.95Out of stockOut of stockAcer palmatum ‘Katsura' is a dense, compact, upright Japanese maple noted for its ever changing foliage. Learn More
- Acer palmatum Orange Dream£9.50Out of stockOut of stockAcer palmatum Orange Dream (non-dissected type) is a most unusual maple with a unique colour Learn More
- Acer palmatum Phoenix£9.50Out of stockOut of stockAcer palmatum 'Phoenix' is a beautiful tree with great ornamental value. Learn More
- Acer palmatum Seiryu£9.50Out of stockOut of stockAcer palmatum Seiryu is a dissected cultivar that has an upright form that’s mostly vase-shaped when young. Learn More
- Acer palmatum Butterfly 9 cm potAcer palmatum Butterfly£13.95Out of stockOut of stockAcer palmatum butterfly is a small variegated Japanese maple with white-variegated leaves and a beautiful pink leaf margin. It is a small,... Learn More
Acer Trees are known for their stunning ornamental foliage
Acers make ideal specimen trees for freestanding locations or large patio planters. Acer or Japanese Maples are striking ornamental trees prized for their beautiful foliage and elegant habit. Acers are perfect trees for growing in small gardens or large containers.
The colour of the delicate looking Acer foliage ranges from variegated to deep almost black purple. Acers grow best in partial shade and in well-drained slightly acidic soil rich in organic matter.
Our nursery stocks a wide range of Japanese Acers.
Maples are known for their beautiful foliage
They are graceful trees that fit well in smaller and larger gardens and pots, depending on the type. The leaves have a beautiful shape and can vary from green to burgundy red and purple and everything in between. We have a nice assortment of beautiful maples for your garden, these are also known under the name Acer
Using Maples in the Garden
There are maples for a stately border, upright growing usually with deep red leaves (Acer atropurpurea and palmatum types) and there are dwarf types with overhanging growth and incised leaves, the disectum types. These are often placed at the edge of a pond , this gives a very nice effect. As a solitary tree, for example, the Acer Crimson Sentry is very special, with beautiful leaves and good shape.
How to prune your Maple - Acer
Maples - Acers are easy to prune, but stick to the following rules; Preferably prune in December, if a lot of correction is required, light pruning in July to update the new growth shoots
Acer disectum Burgundy lace and Garnet can very well be pruned into shape, for example in an overhanging shape near a pond. Do the rough pruning in December and the fine pruning in July.
How to fertilize your Maple - Acer
Fertilize these trees and shrubs with organic fertilizer, first fertilize in February and then in May and July. For a beautiful leaf color it is recommended that you give a dose of magnesium around the trunk in March.