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Excellent 4.7/5

Based on 10.355 reviews
Julia C. from Newcastle
Great value on plants that would cost a great deal more at a garden centre. I’ll keep on buying from gardens4you.
Reginald E., Leeds
Quick delivery, well packaged , healthy plants.Will use again. Plant arrived on time and in tip top condition.
Graham I. from Otley West YorkshireCiara O. from Leixlip
First class products with a prompt service to match. Will definitely place further orders.


Roses are the finishing touch to your garden. This unique garden plant with its distinctive flowers is available from the classic tea rose to the more modern floribunda varieties. Plant a climbing rose for beautiful high bloom decorations or decorate your garden with a colorful ground cover rose. Grown with care and love for a 100% flowering and growth guarantee.

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Roses are one of the most popular garden shrubs of all time

We stock many of the most popular rose varieties, such as climbing roses, ground cover roses, Polyantha roses, and English roses.

Beautiful and versatile roses remain the world's most popular shrubs.

Many different Rose varieties for your garden. Affordable, Fully Guaranteed, home delivery within one week! Roses form a large group of shrubs, and climbing or trailing plants and are very popular because of their beauty and fragrance. We have selected the best varieties, Buy any of our roses, you won't regret it

Roses grow well in full sun and almost any garden soil as long as it is well-drained. 

Planting Roses

Plant Roses in a spaceous hole of at least 30 x 30 x 30 (12x12x12"). Fill the hole partly with a mix of potting compost coarse sand enriched with some organic fertiliser pellets. Place the plant in the hole at such a depth that the graft is approx 3cm (1") below the surface. Fill up the hole with the Soil mix, Whilst doing so, lift the bush up and down a bit so the Soil gets filled around the roots at all places ( to avoid air pockets). Press down the Soil firmly with your foot and fill up.

Water well and fill up around the base of the bush if the graft gets exposed. Water well for two weeks. If you plant bare rooted rose Bushes it is advisable to soak the roots overnight prior to planting in a bucket with water.

Caring for your roses

In late summer your rose garden needs extra care because heat can be their worst enemy. Always water Roses from the roots up. Watering Roses from the top down can cause fungus problems. In dry spells water daily. Protect your Roses from fungal diseases by spraying fungicide on a weekly basis. Always keep the centre of your Bushes free from growth. This helps to keep the insects off and allows the air to circulate which results in less fungal infections.


Getting started it is important that you use clean sharp Tools to prevent the spread of infection. The best time to prune most rose Bushes is in late winter or early spring. Examine your rose to determine when it needs to be pruned.

Early blooming Roses bloom on last year’s growth, so the flowers will be destroyed if you prune too early, early bloomers are best pruned after flowering. If they bloom on New growth prune while dormant or when they are just about to break dormancy.

Shoots that have turned brown and are brittle can spread diseases into Healthy shoots so it is best to begin by trimming them off. Remove any weak stems and if there is any indication of mildew.

Remove old stems from the centre to make it less crowded this will aid light and air circulation and provides a foundation of branches that can be cut back to knee level. Prune Roses at an angle, directly above a bud that is facing outwards, the cuts should slope away from the bud.

Keep them flowering

Cut off any faded flower heads as soon as they appear. Once the first abundance of flowers has faded, you can cut off about 30cm (12”) of the shoot tips.

It is important not to cut off any decorative hips, as these will unveil Fruit Berries during the autumn.

For best results feed your rose Bushes with a rose fertiliser high in potash in July, they need this to help promote New and bushy growth as it uses a lot of energy to produce the flowers. Two handfuls per bush is enough. Mix this into the Soil around your bush and give plenty of water. After watering you then apply a layer of mulch 5cm 2”(well-rotted organic matter) over the Soil to secure the fertiliser in.


During autumn clean up your rose border and bring extra compost around the base of the rose such that the whole brache base is covered with Soil-compost (mound around-over base of bush)

During February spread approx one fork of manure around and over the base of the rose. This will gradually work itself into the ground and slowly nutures the bush, they like this a lot.

During May and July give a compound fertiliser Special composed for Roses according to the instructions on the packaging. Give Roses during the summer on hot days extra water but only during the evening and never on the foliage always underneath or else your rose might develop a fungus infection such as black spot.

Excellent 4.7/5

Based on 10.355 reviews
Julia C. from Newcastle
Great value on plants that would cost a great deal more at a garden centre. I’ll keep on buying from gardens4you.
Reginald E., Leeds
Quick delivery, well packaged , healthy plants.Will use again. Plant arrived on time and in tip top condition.
Graham I. from Otley West YorkshireCiara O. from Leixlip
First class products with a prompt service to match. Will definitely place further orders.